You may be saying to yourself, Triumvirate of Ghosts? When? But you'll understand I'm sure that I HAD TO DEDICATE TODAY'S ENTRY TO THIS--and after all, it IS a book (and we got the news in October, fall, Autumn... you get the idea!)
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It's Shar and Meg!!! |
This installment of the series will be hitting the shelves in June 2012—but for now, enjoy the new cover! We’re having a mega-giveaway to celebrate--Sirenz Back In Fashion Cover Reveal Bomb! The new cover is debuting simultaneously on SEVEN different blogs. Visit ALL OF THEM to enter and win prizes—yes, that’s PRIZES as in more than one! Many people who've read the first book have asked how Meg and Shar's adventures can continue as the end was wrapped up rather neatly... well (insert evil smile) visit these blogs to see if you can figure out what happens next:
Each blogger is giving away a very special charm necklace which symbolizes something from Sirenz Back In Fashion. It could be an important object, or represent a significant place or character… or god! Leave a comment on what you think of the new cover and what you think that particular charm means, along with your email address to enter. You can comment to win on EVERY participating blog! This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL—let’s spread the Sirenz love around the world! (Asks nicely with teeth: Please enter and spread the word on Twitter, FB, Tumblr, etc. using the hashtag #sirenzcover so we can help find you and RT!)
Drawing end dates will be determined by individual bloggers. Once all blogger drawings are complete, another drawing of ALL entries from ALL blogs will take place for a grand prize to be announced here,, and
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And the winner of my Jimi Hendrix gravestone rubbing is Helen Landalf! Congrats dahlink!