Magical Destinations of the Northeast

I have received so much support for this project and I have many, many many people to thank. One of the nice things about having my acknowledgements here is that my space is (virtually) unlimited… 
Thank you bunches to my fabulous agent Natalie Lakosil and my editors at Llewellyn, Elysia Gallo and Rebecca Zins for making this project sing and for believing in me and what I do. OMGosh Lisa Novak, I heart heart heart the cover you created for her! I will always be grateful to Anne Niven at BBI Media who enthusiastically accepted my proposal for The Wandering Witch--thank you thank you thank you with the whole of my heart for taking a chance on me ♥♥♥. 
So much gratitude for these folks who generously gave of their time to read and endorse my book: Judika Illes, Deborah Blake, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. Mickie Mueller, Raven Digitalis and Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. There would be no Stop By For a Spell without these folks—thank you so much for sharing your work and your home state with me! Katrina Messenger, Caroline Kenner, Ivo Dominguez Jr. Goldie Brown, Christopher Alan Midose, Katelan Foisey, Peter Leibert, Gail Crompton McHugh and Darrell Moore, Laurie and Penny Cabot, Ivan McBeth, Christopher Penczack, and Paulette Chernack and Cassandra Davidson
I took some of the photos in the book, but not all, not by a long shot. Thank you so much to the folks who shared their photos with me, hooked me up with someone who could share a photo, and the artists and institutions who generously granted me permission to use images of their work or site in my book—HUGS! Brent Morris and the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Tina Hodge and Cedar Hill Cemetery, Mark Acton and the Friends of Druid Hill Park, Claire Waggoner at the KPC Temple, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and the New Alexandrian Library, Peter Toth, James Mundie, Amy Sippos, Stamatis Marinos and Xenia, Amber, Frau Perchta and the Krampuslauf Parade of Spirits Community, Allison Boyle and Emily Smith at Philly’s Magic Gardens, Malia Ebel, Eric Pomorski, Tabitha Pryor, Pegee Malcolm, Shelly Bradbury, Ron Mager, Leslie Fry, Amy Gaulke, Cathy Wegener, Linda Lott at Dumbarton Oaks, Joe Braun, Robin Wetherill, Katie White, Lukas Franck and Frances at Pacem in Terris, John Ide and Amanda at Dog Mountain, Leslie Judge and the Granby Land Trust, Tina Jordan and the Salem Witch Museum
To my beloveds who traveled with me and/or shared stories of your favorite places with me, places you built, work for and support, who answered my endless and sometimes weird questions (sometimes not knowing who I was), exchanged emails, read and reread segments and excerpts,  patiently listened to me blather on about my project, and/or talked me down from countless perches, much love and thanks :) Rhea Rivera, Audrey Jankucic, Suzanne Garris, Blake Octavian Blair, Gwain Nighthawk, Caroline Kenner, Ivo Dominguez, Jr., Michael Smith, Katelan Foisy, Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, Emma Coleman, Katie Gould, Christopher Penczak, Christopher Alan Midose, Kirsten Cappy, Michelle Souliere, Daniel Minter, Myriam Galaz, Amy Blackthorn (who also took my new and very awesome author photo!), Yvonne Ventresca, Wendy Martin, Melissa Zobel, Barbara Barnes, Jennifer Wilson, John McNiff, Linda Patrik, Rick Orluk, William Mattioli, Michael Cummings, Betty Burdan, Anne Wagner, Donald Stevens, Gerald Jemison, Michael Sanders, Rick Cernak and Earthdance Retreat Center, Robin Kerr, Claire Waggoner, Goldie Brown, Barnaby Evans and Waterfire, Kelly Hayden, Danu Forest, Leda and everyone at Pumpkin Hollow, Dawn Darlington, Beth Guida, Michael Graham, David Brizendine and Circles for Peace, Joyce Cellars, Dale Rosenkrantz, Robert Schreiwer, Amber, Frau Perchta, Lenin Joshi, Lisa Haggerty, Charles J. Adams III, Charlotte Bennardo, Raymond Buckland, Shirley Eastham, Sandi Liss, Joelyn Melzl, Marc and Tricia with the Grove of the Other Gods, Lukas Franck and Frances at Pacem in Terris.
And of course, and not least huge thanks to my family for dealing with never ending road trips, countless pizza dinners and a distracted mom/wife/friend/daughter while I figured this out. I love you!
Please please PLEASE, have a look at my resources. My adventures were all the richer because I had others to guide me with their depth of knowledge and passion. Read their books and articles, listen to their podcasts and watch their videos. There is so much to discover!

Erratum and Updates 
Inevitably, contact information changes or is incorrect. Below is a list of corrections as they are found:

Page 173, the phone number for the Sciencenter is 607.272.0600

Page 125, the zip code for Liberty Lands is 19123

Page 260, the link, "" currently redirects to "" which does not offer direct access to a listing of Veteran's Memorials. Visit the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs National Cemetery Administration to find the National Cemeteries in your state. maintains a listing of military museums and memorials dedicated to American service people here and abroad. 

Below is a full bibliography with sources listed by state and in the order of appearance in the text. Please note that in addition to the sources listed below, factual details were gleaned from official site WebPages, the URLs of which appear in the contact information in the text.

Mapping the Magic 
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